Slip-On Swellable PackerThe Q-STAT™ slip-on swellable packer is reliably feasible in vertical and horizontal well conditions as well as open hole and cased hole applications, and it is available in multiple elastomer configurations such as water, oil, hybrid, or combination (water & oil).
The Q-STAT™ is bonded to a metal core to enable effective conveyance to setting depth while eliminating the risk of premature activation in extended reach horizontal laterals.
Simple on-site installation only requires for the Q-STAT™ assembly to be externally slipped over base pipe to the desired position and torquing set screws to the required torque value. It is equipped with stainless steel or zinc-coated carbon steel lock rings and anchoring set screws to enable effective external anchoring onto production tubulars or casing.
The Q-STAT’s design features reduced assembly overall length which provides increased flexibility for selective placement throughout the well trajectory and optimal zonal isolation where required.
It is a reliable and cost-effective solution with over 50,000 successful global installations in various applications (zonal isolation, water shut-off, cement assurance, sand management, coal bed methane wells) including wells with extreme dog leg severity and washouts for pressure ratings varying from 1,000 psi to 3,000 psi.