Join us at the International Petroleum Technology Conference #IPTC2024, hosted exclusively by Aramco. The event will take place at the Dhahran Expo venue, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on February 12-14, 2024.
If you are attending the conference on Monday February 12th, make sure to stop by Session 17 (Drilling & Completion WellIntegrity) to see our SPE paper presentation titled: “Utilization of Innovative Elastomeric Cement Integrity Sleeve as a Field Proven Cement Assurance Solution: A Sustained Annular Pressure Prevention Case Study”, presented by Alex Osorio, Technical Sales Manager. John Johnstone, Ruma Products Middle East BDM, will also be available at the exhibition floor during the conference.
To learn more about our innovative technology contact us at sales@rumaproducts.com or drop by ACCELL’s stand (5230), our local partner & representative in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
We look forward to seeing you there!